Fidel Almirón Quispesivana became the first student of the Graduate School of the National University of San Agustín (UNSA) in Arequipa, Peru, to support his thesis, to obtain the degree of magister, in Quechua. The research was titled ORCCOMAQ QHISHWASIMINPI RIMAKUN...
The Vegazana Campus of the University of León (ULE) in Spain, continues to give proof of the talent that it investigates day by day in its faculties. One of the last demonstrations was evident in the recent defense of the thesis of Carlos Del Blanco Alegre. The...
Some people often use the terms hypothesis and prediction interchangeably. However, this should not be so because both are completely different. While a hypothesis is a conjecture that is predominantly used in science, a prediction is a conjecture that is mostly...
The sciences can be generally described as an effort to understand, explain, and make predictions about the world using different research methods in an attempt to construct theories. In this sense, they can be classified into two main branches, known as natural...
The hypothetical-deductive method is an approach to research that starts from a theory about the functioning of things and derives from it testable hypotheses. It is a form of deductive reasoning, since it starts from principles, assumptions and general ideas to...
Doctoral degrees fall into two main categories: Doctoral programs and PhD (Philosophie Doctor) programs. Both represent the highest level of graduate degree. They share many similarities, such as the encouragement of critical and creative thinking and an intensive and...
The Paraguayan priest Adrián Medina defended his doctoral thesis in Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. His research had as its theme “The presumptive and judicial evidence in Roman rotal jurisprudence on the issue of exclusion of bonum...
In an argumentative thesis, instead of hinting at your main idea, you’ll most likely have to write a statement for your audience. A thesis statement is a one- or two-sentence statement that presents the main idea and makes a statement about its topic. A sentence...
When you begin the process of writing your thesis or dissertation, you may feel overwhelmed at first and then relieved to be able to put something in writing without an error. However, it is worth keeping in mind some common mistakes, as not doing so can seriously...
Tutoring is probably one of the oldest teaching methods. In ancient Greece, in the time of Plato and Socrates, the children of the rich were educated individually or in small groups by teachers or tutors. During the Middle Ages, the children of nobles and the rich...
It is easy to be intimidated by the prospect of writing a thesis, a project that is the culmination of studies and an achievement that reflects enormous effort, creativity and experience. The process of finding a tutor to guide you, asking the right questions, coming...
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) joins the fight against antibiotic resistance from farm to fork under the ‘One Health’ approach. This is demonstrated by the doctoral thesis “Zoonotic potential of...
A hybrid library is not just a traditional library (which only contains paper resources) or just a virtual library (which only contains electronic resources), but it is halfway between the two. It is a library that brings together a series of different sources of...
Medical statistics is one of the main areas of statistical work and has had a considerable influence on clinical medicine and public health through its applications, for example, to the design and analysis of clinical trials and to the epidemiology of chronic and...
A film library is a collection of motion pictures, videodiscs, videocassettes and any other material stored in a film, archive .mp4 or similar. Ways to Search A quick way to start your research is to search your university’s library online catalog. Search for...