In a world where almost all jobs can be easily automated by robots and algorithms, new college careers have emerged. While the digital economy is booming, the demand for many high-paying traditional professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, academics, and middle managers, is declining due to what is called the robot revolution. This does not mean that these jobs will in any way disappear. But competition is increasing rapidly in traditional professions, which means that many people entering these professions are working more for less money.

New Industries

Fortunately, there are new industries in which hierarchies are not well established. This is because the skills needed to do the job have only existed for a few years. It is these new industries that will drive the next economic boom. If you want to position yourself for much higher income, you need to start learning the highly paid digital skills in emerging industries.

This is what is known as the Economy of Innovation. This new digital economy driven by innovation requires creative workers who are very curious, adopt new technologies before others. In the same way, they must follow the path of a lifetime to constantly improve their technical, creative and social skills. To facilitate learning, a new generation of innovative online education platforms has emerged to help lifelong learners enter the industries of the future. Hence, new careers have emerged.

Disruption of the Educational System

One of the Silicon Valley startups at the forefront of disrupting the education system is Coursera. Today, they are the world’s largest massive open online course (MOOC) platform with more than 10 million students from every country in the world. They have spent the last 5 years developing new micro careers. They provide an alternative to shouldering the burden of student loan debt to attend a traditional college program.

Coursera is working with top faculty at Ivy League universities such as Stanford University, the University of California system, and the University of Toronto, among others. They have also partnered with tech industry partners like Google, NVIDIA, Instagram, and 500 Startups to make sure their graduates have the skills that will hire them in the digital economy. The new micro degrees they offer are called Coursera specializations. They offer both beginner and inexperienced specializations. Similarly, master’s specializations can be found for trained industry professionals, who need to improve their skills.

New College Careers

Based on current technology trends, here are some high-paying digital careers where the demand over the next decade will outstrip the supply of people with the necessary skills and training:

1. 3D printing

With open source design and 3D printing, it is now possible to bring manufacturing to the desktop. The demand for skilled 3D printing craftsmen in the 2020s will be huge, as underpinning leads to the return of manufacturing to rich countries.

2. Internet of things

The Internet of Things is the interconnection through the Internet of computing devices integrated into everyday objects, which allows them to send and receive data. This includes everything from smartphones, coffeemakers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, handheld devices, and just about anything else you can think of.

3. User experience design

User Experience Design (often referred to as UX or Interaction Design) is the process of improving user satisfaction with a product by enhancing usability, accessibility, and the pleasure provided in interacting with the product.

4. Digital marketing

With attention span dwindling and information overload that makes advertising more challenging, digital marketing demands storytellers and content creators. These careers requires technical skills such as analytical skills and strategic business thinking.

5. Robotics

While robots are replacing manual labor and service industry jobs, new job opportunities are for people to design, build, and maintain robots. While robotics technicians or robotics engineers involve skills that are not easily mastered, you can begin to lay a learning foundation to see if you have the ability to succeed in this growing industry.

6. Cybersecurity

The wars of the future will be fought in cyberspace. Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and cybersecurity involves protecting networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.

7. Data science

The high-paying new rock stars in the software engineering industry are data scientists. With so much accumulated data, leading-edge companies need data scientists with both analytical and social skills. For itself, make sense of data and optimize business processes.

8. Artificial intelligence

Robots took over the jobs of factory workers. Artificial intelligence (AI) will fill the jobs of office workers. New jobs will understand how artificial intelligence can be applied to business processes and social challenges. In addition, they will manage new artificial intelligence systems that work more efficiently than humans.

9. Deep learning

What’s behind driverless cars? Artificial intelligence, or more specifically a type of specialized AI called Deep Learning. It is part of a larger family of machine learning methods based on the simulation of neural networks and the learning of data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms.

10. Master of Edge Computing

Currently, as we use cloud computing services, all data goes to massive centralized data centers owned by just a few companies: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and IBM. However, it is much more efficient and practical to process data where it is collected. This race refers to the computing infrastructure that exists near the data sources. For example, industrial machines, industrial controllers like SCADA systems, and time-series databases that aggregate data from a variety of equipment and sensors.

11. Data detective

We currently leave large amounts of data online, and in the near future, companies will need data detectives to review everything and generate answers to business questions and make recommendations based on their findings. This will be done by investigating the data generated by the endpoints. Devices, sensors, biometric monitors, traditional computing infrastructure, next-generation fog, mesh, edge, and neural capabilities of the Internet of Things are also used.

12. Ethical sourcing officer

The Ethical Sourcing Officer (ESO) careers exist for when corporations decide they want their decisions to be guided by what is ethical rather than what is profitable. If a corporation decides to provide humane working conditions for its employees, ESO will be in charge of touring all factories and monitoring and ensuring that each step of the process is in accordance with the decision made by the shareholders.

13. AI-Assisted Healthcare Technician

The growth of AI careers are expected to explode and its impact on society and the economy will be significant. Healthcare will not escape change, as researchers are looking for ways to incorporate AI as a more effective way to diagnose disease. Hence the position of AI-assisted health technician.

14. Cyber Cities Analyst

Rapid urbanization is leading to smarter cities that aim to improve the lives of citizens through technology. These cities are not just a trend, they are the future because the world is becoming more urab and 68 percent of the population is expected to live in cities by 2050, according to the UN. Globally, spending on smart city technology was $ 80 billion in 2016. And it is expected to grow to $ 135 billion by 2021, according to a report by International Data Corporation.

15. Genomics Portfolio Manager

The future holds the wonders of gene editing technologies and the use of Crispr. This is a gene editing tool that has enormous potential to accelerate life science research, improve biotechnology and even treat disease, it will take off in the future. This will result in many companies using these technologies to create new drugs at an incredible rate.

16. Man-Machine Teaming Manager

The teaming manager will have to discover and combine the strengths of the man (cognition, judgment, empathy, versatility, etc.) and the machine (precision, endurance, computation, speed, etc.) to create the most productive team of workers possible. . Companies will look for individuals who can develop an interaction system. In it, through which humans and machines mutually communicate their capabilities, goals and intentions, and will design a task planning system for collaboration between humans and machines.

17. Financial Wellness Coach

Keeping track of your finances is difficult now. But in the future, when cash becomes obsolete and electronic currencies like bitcoin and automated loans and micropayments become normal, it will be even more complicated. There will be great potential for “money leakage” and the fee structures of this new system will be too complicated for the average person to understand.

New College Careers

New College Careers

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