The Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, or also known by its acronym UMSA, was founded in mid-October 1,830. He has more than 100 years training professionals in the territory.


The building where the most important centers are located is in the Plaza del Bicentenario. This has 13 floors and 4 of them correspond to classrooms. UMSA has more than 10 faculties within which we can mention, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Sciences, the Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences. This includes the Max Schreier Planetarium, the Atmosphere Physics Laboratory in Chacaltaya and the Patacamaya Astronomical Observatory.

There is also the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, the Faculty of Geological Sciences, as well as the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition and Medical Technology.

UMSA methodology

The methodology used to carry out the degree thesis at UMSA is presented in 4 phases:

Phase 1 (Introduction and Function of the thesis)

The introduction allows to know a little about the topic raised in the undergraduate project. For its part, the function of the thesis, according to UMSA encompasses the problem by which the work is carried out.

Phase 2 (Background, research objectives, justification and scope)

The first part, the profile of the thesis, consists of, the background, which are the projects that have been implemented and that have a close relationship with the work that is being developed. These serve not only as a source for extracting some information to complete the theoretical framework which will be explained shortly, but also give it greater “support to the project in general”.

The objectives of the research are then classified in general and specific objectives. These make it possible to know clearly and precisely why the degree project is carried out as well as the activities carried out during the implementation of the degree.

As for the justification, it shows the importance of the project as a whole, the project execution time, the place where it will be carried out and to whom it is aimed.

Phase 3 (Theoretical Framework, Methodological Framework, Practical Framework)

The points presented below are part of 3 different paragraphs. It starts with the Theoretical Framework or body of the degree work, it has all the theoretical bases used to give “foot” to the project, includes from concepts to formulas.

For its part, the methodological framework in UMSA, makes known the methodological aspects used for the realization of the project. This includes the type of research, design, and means and instruments used.

And the Practical Framework contains field study analyses, the results and tests of the hypotheses and conclusions of the field study.

Phase 4 (Conclusions, Recommendations, Bibliographies and Annexes)

Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are found. As the name implies are the points expressed by the student, what is suggested to solve the problem or prevent it from still affecting the masses.

Bibliographies allow you to know all the sources used to create the degree project. These must contain both the date of publication and research by the student. It should be noted that UMSA requires that they must be exposed in chronological or alphabetical order, the latter will depend on the regulations of the institution.

And finally there are the annexes, these contain the charts and tables used to support and better understand the project. They also allow to know part of the results obtained by the author(s).

Writing Format at UMSA

  • The final project must have a standard cover, dedications and the acknowledgment (s).
  • The drafting of the project must be impersonal, i.e. in the third person. This not only allows for a better understanding of the work but also provides professionalism.
  • The font to use must be Arial, and be written in number 12.
  • For its part, the entire text must have a single line spacing of 1.5.
  • The right, top and bottom margin should be 3 cm, while the left margin 4 cm, this to allow the binding of the project.
  • The cover of the document must have the name of the university, the name of the faculty and the name of the major.
  • In the central or middle part, the title of the project, name of the academic tutor, and data of the author or authors must be exposed.
  • For their part, in the case of tables and graphs, they must have the source from which they have been extracted. If performed by the student, the source will indicate the student’s details.
  • When citing an author, this must be enclosed in parentheses and in turn contain the page of origin, an example would be: “As Carter pointed out (19965 pp. 130-132) …”
  • The annexes must be placed in order as it is expressed in the project, informing that on page “x” it will be very well exposed.

Printing and Approval

As for the image in general, the project, once printed, should not have any errors. The leaves should all be white without scratches or scratches, adding that the language used should not be offensive. The project will be cancelled if it finds hate-inciting words or offensive metaphors that also limit its correct interpretation.

Once the project has been approved for further submission, the deadline should be agreed, as it should generally not exceed 6 months. In case of not presenting during the stipulated time, the student has two options: show a proof of “why he failed to expose” or avoid the paperwork, and look for another topic and execute it.

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in Bolivia (UMSA) Thesis Methodology

Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in Bolivia (UMSA) Thesis Methodology

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