The learning process in human beings is permanent and takes place throughout life. So in education, lifelong learning goes from birth to death.

The evolutionary character in people is associated with the profile of their education. This is because each stage is linked to certain significant learnings that belong to a specific period of time.

How does lifelong learning influence the completion of a Thesis?

Human existence is a constant practice through perpetual discovery learning.

The teaching of life is a primordial experience. It serves us to apply all our acquired knowledge in the processes of writing, application and execution of a Thesis of Degree.

On several occasions and due to multiple circumstances, individuals have been forgetting or ignoring the importance of lifelong learning. It consists of updating and recycling the old precepts, which is positive to carry out a good Research Work that meets your expectations and those of the jury.

We must remember that this learning is twinned with numerous competences that the human being must possess. Consequently, when he is faced with the arduous task of doing a thesis of degree,he must be able to develop the following skills:

Knowledge of the mother tongue and other foreign languages

Some skills such as having an excellent command of the mother tongue, or even knowing a foreign language, are basic instruments for the completion of a good Thesis.

In this sense, language learning can be fixed in a permanent way on individuals. But they should put into practice some learning techniques and strategies that help them not to lose these language skills.

Development of logical skills – mathematics

Lifelong learning in Education, promotes the ability to deploy itself knowing how to correctly apply mathematical reasoning.

In this way, people will find themselves in the capacity to use their logical and spatial thinking. Being able to represent models, constructions, graphs and diagrams or even solve formulas.

Influence of lifelong learning in the acquisition of technological and digital skills

To make a good Thesis of Degree is fundamental and indispensable the development of the technological competences at digital level. This leads to the need to know how to use in a critical and safe way the different Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to be able to take advantage of them to develop professional life, learning and research.

It is therefore necessary to develop a sensitive vision, as well as extensive knowledge about the nature and function of computer tools and software. Consideration must also be given to the potential opportunities and risks of the Internet.

The knowledge of learning to learn

It consists of the skill to initiate and perfect learning. Effectively, it corresponds to the ability to manage time and information acquired, either individually or in groups. You must also be aware of your own learning summary to be able to overcome the obstacles to complete a thesis successfully.

Learning to learn, promotes that in order to use the new knowledge and skills acquired both in professional and personal life, the individual is given the opportunity to live transcendent experiences. In the same way, it must take into account the knowledge it has assimilated through the course of its existence.

Knowledge of consciousness and cultural expressions

It consists of the appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of opinions, practices and emotions through different means. Among these are music, theatrical arts, literature and plastic arts.

Cultural diction requires an awareness of the importance of cultural heritage at local, national and universal level. In the same way, it involves the need to know what place we occupy in the world.

Thus, it’s necessary to make a discernment around the main cultural works of humanity, as well as those that belong to contemporary popular Culture.

It is inescapable to be able to understand the cultural and linguistic diversities in the world, as well as the fact that they must be preserved. The importance of aesthetic factors in everyday life must also be taken into consideration.

Below are the four programs that will help you more than achieve your desired goal:

Erasmus program

This is a program that serves people who are low-income or who do not have enough capital to pursue their undergraduate and graduate studies. It provides complete coverage when it comes to the cost of the area ticket, including maintenance that serves them to stay in a foreign country and successfully complete their studies.

Comenius Program

It’s an event that is carried out to address those problems related to the teaching-learning process of students of Infant, Primary and Secondary Education, as well as those centers and organizations in which these levels of Education are taught.

Grundtvig Program

Scheme that recognizes those teaching and learning needs of those who study under the different modalities of Adult Education, as well as the educational centers and organizations where that particular Education is facilitated.

Leonardo da Vinci

Is a outline in which those teaching and learning needs of all partners in professional training are studied , as well as the centers and organizations that provide or facilitate these formations.

How to use Lifelong Learning strategies during the completion of a Thesis?

  • For the completion of a thesis, it’s recommended to have extensive knowledge about lifelong learning , as well as its programs and competencies.
  • The good use of the mother tongue, as well as that of some foreign languages, will help colossally to the writing and research of a Thesis.
  • Having a good knowledge of new technologies will greatly facilitate the completion of a Thesis, because they will be used to investigate information related to the problem being addressed.
  • You have to be aware that lifelong learning is in minute details of daily life , so you shouldn’t forget that there are daily changes in everything that includes the knowledge acquired.
  • Taking into account a diversity of current areas of knowledge is vital to write a Thesis.

In short, it is worth quoting Abraham Lincoln, who said:‘I do not hold people in high regard for people who are not smarter today than they were yesterday’.

This express and indicate that formal education has a beginning and an end, but the learning lies in the whole existence.

In short, lifelong learning is the only quality of success in the achievement of an excellent thesis, even more so by taking on the changing world that we live in today.

Strategies to achieve lifelong learning

Strategies to achieve lifelong learning

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