The Degree Project represents more than an academic requirement to obtain a degree and complete one of the most significant chapters of life. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose a research topicas well as the Research Paradigm.

Thus, these aspects are vital for you to carry out the process of Preparing your Degree Thesis. Here you will glimpse many of the deepest concerns and questions that constitute an essential part of your being.

In this research, the root of a set of questions or the needs that exist to respond to a certain problem begins to be woven.

On the other hand, there are vital factors that must be evaluated before tracing the path that the research will take. In such a way that one of the most relevant actions to write a Degree Thesis, is to define which is the Paradigm of Scientific Research that is going to be chosen.

In this way, do not forget to read this article in which we will explain the main characteristics of the Positive Paradigm and the Interpretive Paradigm. You will be able to evaluate which of these you feel most comfortable with to elaborate your academic work.

According to the choice of the Research Paradigm that you will use to develop your Degree Project, you must determine what will be the type of Research that you will assume based on the nature of your study.

Positivist Research Paradigm

This research paradigm is based on the hypothetical-deductive system. It is also known as: rationalist-quantitative, systematic-managerial, scientific-naturalist and technological scientist.

In this regard, Emile Durkhein and August Comte, are the inspirers of the Positivist Theory of Knowledge. It began to emerge in the nineteenth century. It is based on purposes that without considering the subjective states of individuals, investigate the facts or causes of social phenomena.

The only knowledge that is accepted in the Positivist Research Paradigm is scientific. That is, the one that obeys unique methodological principles.

Characteristics of the Positivist Research Paradigm

  • It is a Quantitative Research Paradigm, which seeks to ensure the rigor and precision that science requires.
  • Their approach is based on verifiable, systematic and comparable knowledge. It can be measurable and replicable, so under this paradigm, only observable phenomena can be studied.
  • Phenomena have to be based on categories that are accounting, weighable or measurable. Among them are gender (male or female), weight, height, which are in causal or correlational relationship.
  • The realities that are exposed must have the possibility of describing themselves objectively. For example, in the case of the number of times a student did not pass an exam.
  • It uses procedures such as: systematic observation of behavior, experimental control and correlation of variables.

Interpretive Research Paradigm

This is a Qualitative Paradigm, whose approaches come from Anthropology, Symbolic Interactionism or Ethnography. It is also known as: Hermeneutic Paradigm, Phenomenological or Symbolic Interpretive.

Thus, its emergence is due to the fact that it was glimpsed that in the Social Sciences, there are problems that cannot be explained and understood only when applying the bases of quantitative methodology.

Characteristics of the Interpretive Research Paradigm

Its epistemological basis is constructionist. This is because it is based on the precept that men do not discover knowledge, but build it.

Concepts, schemes and models are developed with the purpose of making sense of the experience. They are constantly tested and modified in order to give light to new uses.

When using this Interpretive Research Paradigm, historical and sociocultural dimensions must be taken into account. In this it is considered that man learns through his interaction with the physical, social and cultural environment in which he is immersed.

  • Its objective is the development of concepts that allow us to understand the different social phenomena in natural environments. Pay special attention to the experiences, intentions and opinions of all participants.
  • This paradigm focuses on the design of strategies that allow us to know the facts, phenomena and processes in general. It does not limit them exclusively to the quantification of some of their elements.
  • Observations are fundamental to employ this Research Paradigm. More than the conclusions, what really matters are the peculiarities of the phenomena being studied.
  • The dialogues, participation and inclusion of all the subjects that are part of the research work are essential elements in this type of Qualitative Research Paradigm.
  • All the subjects involved in the research (even those that are being studied), are protagonists. They act as active actors in the reality being described.
  • It is multi-methodical because it collects a wide variety of data through interviews, life stories, historical texts and other sources. In this way it compiles information that is based on personal experiences, routines, among others.

Some considerations to choose the Research Paradigm of your Degree Thesis

The most important thing before choosing the Research Paradigm that will be taken as the basis for the choice of the type of research, will be to evaluate what will be the theme that you are going to address in the investigation. Also, you must specify your specific object of study, given that there are some investigations that only combine with one of these paradigms.

But if what you want is to have the best advice when you need to elaborate some Academic Work, our company Online-Thesis has a team of excellent methodological advisors. We’ll help you choose the type of research you require.

At Online-thesis, we review your work in depth so you can get the best grades. We also teach you step by step how to do a thesis,as well as how you have to use the Academic Standards that you are going to use when doing your research. So if you want to know how much a thesis or other of the services you need costs, you can enter our new website and click on our contact us section or write to us through Whatsapp or Messenger.

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Which Research Paradigm should I choose to write my Bachelor’s thesis?


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